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Evaluate Your Offer, Get The Retirement You Want

Evaluate Your Offer, Get The Retirement You Want

We've helped hundreds of individuals navigate their voluntary retirement offers & buyouts. Our Specialists help ensure that you're getting the retirement you need.

Every Person Must At Least Consider These Factors Before Making A Decision

1. MONEY - Learn which option yields the most money.

Clear understanding of which option is yielding the most money in the short & long term is essential.

2. AGE- Knowing your retirement age.

Determine if the buyout amount is worth the money you could get working until retirement age.

3. HEALTHCARE- Your family's coverage in retirement

If you're under 65, the costs of coverage for yourself & your family may be higher than if you retired later.

4. TAXES & INFLATION - The Impact of taxes & Inflation

Find out how the buyout offer, incentives or bonuses are taxed. In terms of inflation, money used today will not buy nearly as much in 30 years.

MORGAN MARLIN -Financial Advisor, UPS Specialist

MORGAN MARLIN -Financial Advisor, UPS Specialist

Morgan Marlin, is an advisor working primarily for the successful UPS executive who wants to optimize their benefits, & whose long hours don’t allow them time to give the needed attention to financial goals. 

After helping hundreds of upsers, she has built a process that helps optimize your financial structure in light of the tax implications of LTIPs, ComputerShare Incentives, Stock Options, matching, changes in 401(k) vesting, and buyout options that you may be offered.

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